Reportesrs: You are the serial killers!

Continous dehumanising of african people, and its continent is a serious issue that needs close attention. We have also dealt with this issue in our journalism course in ideology and narrative and genre.

MY area of interest in these stories are the words that are used by the world reporters when depicting African situation, words such as famine, ethiopia as the "closet thing to hell on earth", dark dispairing days, congested, Crowded, flimsiest of clothing; " and when describing ppeople often as - exhausted, often woefully thin, hungry people trying to find food, criminal and corrupt As a student journalist i am worried of this continuos negative depiction of africa. Fiske in his writing of narrative and genre says that this is done deliberately, it is not seen as impacting on African peoples lives but as comfirming 'ours'. this also plays into the stereotype that Africa is a doomed continent, one of the writers once wrote "africa a country of darkness" what puzzles me is the fact that despite the increase in the level of education globally, people especially reporters continue depicting africa as place of no hope.


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