RU: Blog Reviw

Blunt red pencil is a group blog by:
Ashleigh Swart
Nicola Haw
Theo any
Thulani Xelelo

Considering that these are all first year student at Rhodes University, I would like to believe that this group has done a tremendous job. The blog template is not that attractive and I think this is the area they need to improve on. But what does not look good to me might be appealing to other people. But however, whatever the case might be the blog, especially by students and for student audience should at least have bright colours, black alone is very boring; mixing variety of colours for instance black with other colours would be good.
They also tackle lot of local issues which make the blog more relevant to the readers and the other good thing about this blog is that they cover stories in details, they have link for every story they have written.
The content itself, the font they are using is fair and they do not use jargon and use everyday English which makes the blog easy to read and attractive to many audiences, something central in journalism because every writer wants to be read.
However in terms of consistence there is a cause for concern because, I think it is more appealing to be consistence and by consistence, I mean they should have continuously used relatively same text colour.
All in all this is a very well written blog, you can see they have put a great deal of effort in their blog as group and individually. They have beautiful comeeko pictures as well.



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