
Racism (in south african context) is the indocrination of the black men's mind to believe that being called 'black','nigger' or 'kaffir' is an insult and therefore whoever call those names should be punished.
This is pathetic.... WHY?
For non black to keep a black man happy for instance don't dare mention those words. but should a black man mess up the names will come into play.
This puts black skinned in other's mercy
For example to keep a lame/blind person happy one must pretend not to recognise his disabilities but when conflict arise the names come to play, and what a lame man does he lay charges or curse that "your kids will be like me or say i did't choose to be diasbled".
In my way of seeing things its the same for racism it is like saying "i did'nt choose to be black therefore interpealing to the call that black is inferior and has to be continuously proteced from the more 'perfect skinned', some even pray that "Oh god, why I was black in the first place?"
To explain the process of racial reconcilation is not to explai it away.
A racist person is a pretending person, like a first thaught is the true charater of a person.
Of all the cases i have tell of people complain that they have been called 'nigger',I guess it is sometimes about wanting someone's attention.
In many circumstances once a black person get rich he tends to look down to his people and associates himself with white and in doing so he/she tends to forget her colour and when white man pulls the race card he feels offended because he is being associated with people he believe is head and shouldiers above them, i therefore say we should not put a great deal of emotins to race, because it does exist and the only problem with these steriotypic ideas is that they are so entangled to the truth. Be black and proud.


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