Education leads to dissatisfaction

It is very demoralizing to find that in certain parts of the country children are not given the opportunity to prove themselves. This is due to factors such as the one in the following article from The Herald. According to the article written by the Herald Reporters the Department of Education will not implement any new steps into improving the current conditions from the Nelson Mandela Bay.

Issues such as these could lead children to quit and give up on school and in actual fact the next President of South Africa could be among these children. Education is very important as without it, there is not much anyone can do. The question is, “when will we allow these children the chance to break free of the ideologies that they cannot do it and they cannot make it big?”

Analysing table 3 from the Department of education statistics for 2009, it is evident that the amount of learners in the Eastern Cape are decreasing and so are the schools being built although the amount of educators is increasing. In provinces such as Gauteng and the Northern Cape the amount of learners is increasing. Therefore the Department of Education needs to uplift the education throughout the Eastern Cape.If need be, they need to increase the infrastructure money within the budget, something needs to be actively done.

Tony Blaire once stated, “The child with a good education flourishes. The child given a poor education lives with it for the rest of their life. "


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