One thing I believe in life is that, 'cannot' is only formulated in the brain and if one strives to get what they what they will get it. This is not to say that now you can get 100% for that law exam...come on now, you also have to be realistic about things. Dr Enathi will take you through some steps on how to achieve those goals:
1) Imagine...set your mind free and lose control of all those thoughts.
2) Within these thoughts filter a few possibilities that you want to achieve by the end of the year.
3) Take out a note pad and write all of these down.
4) While you are undertaking this task make sure you formulate a method of how you could turn these ideas into a reality.
5) On your wall or somewhere visible, put this quote by Marilyn vos Savant, " Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." With this quote in mind you will think twice about not fulfilling what you set out for yourself.
This is a very broad method of achieving what you want but remember that if you truly want something with no hesitation, you ought to fight to get it. As Brian Tracy states in a book entitled Goals " One of the rules for success is this: It doesn't matter where you're coming from; all that matters is where you're going. And where you are going is solely determined by yourself and your own thoughts."
Whichever goal you intend on fulfilling may you strive and undertake the task of making it achievable with care. Do it legally, and for all those who will be writing examinations soon...take a stand and prove to yourself that you CAN, after all you are worth the success you receive.
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