Who am I?

Alright, so here we're sitting at your computer, maybe with a cup of something hot on the desk beside to you, wondering what to do with this blog. Should you become a follower? Or should you quickly click by and roam around the web to find another one of the millions of blogs out there in the hopes of replacing this one?

I recently heard that what you get out of journalism deeply reflects what you as an individual bring to it. So let me make the decision for you and ignite our relationship by telling you a bit about who I am and what I hope to bring to the journalistic realm.

To put it simply..."My name is Jansen van Vuuren...Anica Jansen van Vuuren"...(doesn't quite work with my name does it? ha ha) I am ambitious -a perfectionist (one could say), I'm hardworking and a full-out hopeless romantic. I have stared some of life's horrors straight the eye and have still managed to come out on top. I am dramatic, opinionated, arty, but more importantly I am passionate, creative and quite frankly put my heart and soul in to everything that I do.

The way I view the world is rather unique in its own respect. When I walk outside I see the world as a potential for a masterpiece. I see compositions, colours and textures that could be woven into the most beautiful images and designs. For me an old barren tree, some flowers, and maybe a dirt road craft the lines, shades and components of a fantastic photo landscape. I don't see a pair of simple beaded earings but rather an opportunity of an intricate yet dazzling macro photo or an exciting skeleton for a breathtaking design.

To me words are nothing but an aid to express true passion, and if used correctly it can truly change someone's life. I love the effect a beautiful image or a stunning piece of writing can have on someone's life. It is for this reason that I am here. I want to help you. I want to discover with you, entertain you, share with you and hopefully along the line give you something you will never forget.

Life as a journalism student is exiting and creates an opportunity for so much discovery. Although I don't claim to know everything and am uncovering the life of journalism with you, I can only hope that you will also share all that you can with me. Each author in this blog will focus on an aspect of journalism that they are truly passionate about. This will create a well rounded journalistic blog that you just simply won't be able to replace.
So...decision made?


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