Who am I?-Enathi

Have you ever wondered on how Journalism really impacts on the society? How Journalists through their words actually form rules and norms within our societies? How the journalistic texts and various articles that you have read throughout your own life have made the decisions that you were battling with? Well, you can wonder no more because within Journ-inside out these issues will be discussed, analysed and dealt with to find the core reason as to why Journalism forms social implications such as propaganda within our lives. Within this part of the blog, issues such as the following will be discussed and Journalists like you, have the privilege to comment and make your voices heard!

· How physical pressures are pressed on males and females on how to dress, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable on how they should conduct themselves within society. For example, woman are suppressed on how they should act feminine and speak in a certain tone while the perfect man who owns a six pack is instilled in our minds to be…HOT! What about those people who are gays and lesbians, who decides if they are deviant and why?

· How students within society are being influenced each and everyday by texts written in magazines and newspapers such as the current implementations of technological devises which means that less people are reading books, but the question that arises is what happened to the reading culture? Without reading will the youth be able to achieve a degree if they are reading less?

· Why is it that in the youth’s mind parties and the wild life are more appreciated than books which guarantee much success for future purposes?

These and many more other issues will be discussed within this part of the blog through various texts that will be used as various points. It will be a very creative section that will be filled with videos and pictures of people, mainly other students and the youth of what they think about these kind of social phenomena. The reason why this topic is chosen is that propaganda is a vast subject matter as it alters the ideas of the society by manipulating people to act and think in certain ways. As journalists it is important that we unpack these social phenomena through interactive discussions in order for people to be aware that most of the time, the most fancy or luxurious items that are sold at commercial industries are not the most crucial life needs. Therefore lets discuss and maybe attempt to try and break free of the chains that other journalists, through their use of words within particular articles have put as the “normal” thing to do in our society…what change will you implement? It starts with you; it starts with our forum in Journ-Inside out.


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